Let me preface this post by stating that the title--all Deran. He's so handy to have around and though I don't understand much of what he did, the end result is indeed an awesome new website.
He took away this:
And gave me this:
Thanks Husband! In addition to a new design, the portfolios have been updated and there is new information for 2010 in the sessions section.
I took the picture on the left of my niece last December. My sister passed on that adorable onesie but as it was a bit snug when Avery wore it on December 1st, I decided to snatch up a similar outfit while out shopping one day.
Deran took the picture on the right of me and Avery last week. She's a full month younger than my niece was when the picture was taken but weighs a little more...she really enjoys her milk is all...she's healthy! The crop was a little different, and she wasn't really in the mood for photos, but I love the picture and I love the side by side. Two super cute babies. Please note Avery's excellent display of the fist-to-face ratio.
Also interesting is the placement of that red quilted heart ornament. It's hanging in almost the exact same spot as last year. Pay no attention to the poor placement of the ice cube, that's all me. It looks really out of place sticking out below the branches, ah well!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! We've had a very busy few days of traveling and celebration with family. Today was a lazy day of much needed rest!
Yesterday Avery woke up to see her presents from her very first visit from Santa Claus.
She got a new play mat that she really enjoys. Santa thought she needed another option, plus he saw her looking enviously at her step-cousin's mat and knew she must have her very own. She also got a couple of cute outfits, some books, a kick and play piano, and an aquarium (of the fake variety) for her crib. She was real real excited.
Deran and I stayed up much too late on Christmas Eve and finally stumbled to bed around 4:30, sweet Avery was up before 9:00. Soooo, we put her on her new mat and Daddy watched her play...or did he?!
I had grand plans for the three of us to be wearing Christmas themed pajamas. Avery actually did wear Nutcracker pajamas, I made it into sweats and one of Deran's old conference t-shirts. Deran wore an old favorite from this place. My mom, sister, and I always wore matching pajamas on Christmas. Next year, we're totally doing that!
We wrapped up our Christmas day by having lunch at my sister's then presents at my parents' house. When we got home yesterday afternoon, we realized that Babies R Us had dumped their latest shipment in the back of the suburban.
We really appreciate all of the gifts and good wishes from family & friends. We've had a lovely week!
I've been going through pictures of Avery in preparation for a few Christmas presents and I came across a couple that made me smile.
I love that they both look a little crazy. I was surprised to see Avery's hair (or lack of) in this picture. It's like one day I took a picture and noticed she'd gone bald, but only on the top front. Somehow I missed it in person. She now has a lovely fuzz all over.
The next one just makes me smile because I think her yawn is so darn sweet.
I miss September. The days were long and the weather was nice. Every evening when Deran got home we'd step out on the patio and visit for a minute and I'd snap a few pictures of the two of them. I have days of photos with white t-shirts and a cuddly baby. I really need to start getting in the picture!!
Since Thanksgiving break Avery's sleep schedule has been...off. She's going to bed later and later, not something we really encourage but it's happening nonetheless.
The last week she's really been fighting sleep at night. We know she's tired, it's so obvious. After her bath she nurses, she's walked & whistled to, she's sung to, she's rocked, she's nursed some more, she's left alone in the crib, she's walked again, she's nursed again...and FINALLY she goes to sleep.
After her bath, the yelling starts. It's hilarious really, and probably part of the reason we're so lenient with making her go to sleep. She is so darn cute! She literally yells to keep herself awake. If you've ever heard a baby talk then you know how cute it is! When you lay her down in her bed and tell her goodnight, she thinks it's hilarious. And how can you walk away from a happy, talking baby?! You can't. Anyway, my point is this: She's tired, but she's a fighter.
I put her on her mat this afternoon while I tried to edit for a bit and five minutes later, I looked over to see this.

She usually loves to play with the duck and kick the poles, but today, today it was just too much.

She was wearing a pair of her favorite (ok really they're mine) socks.

Tomorrow I'm thinking we just put her on the mat after her bath!
My sweet silly girl, we love you so much...even if you do require a three hour bedtime routine.