Amy Schilling Photography Blog

December 31, 2008

out with the old

I hope everyone had a great Christmas. Deran and I have certainly enjoyed our time with family, gobs of food, and being off work! This will be a picture-less post because the past week has largely been spent cuddling with the dogs on the couch in our pajamas watching movies. While the pugs are very cute, I don't feel like posting photo after photo of me in various stages of lazy.

2008 has been good to us. It's been filled with new family members, new friends, new hobbies, and new opportunities. It's like a new year, only it was the past I making any sense? The year also presented it's share of tragedies, but even then we should celebrate because of the great families we share and good health we've been blessed with.

I had a birthday recently, my 27th, and every year I declare it to be the Year of Amy. I spent a quiet evening at home with Deran and because I wasn't in the mood for cake he just held up candles and sang Happy Birthday. He's the best, and though I can't be certain, I really do think my 27th year will be the Year of Amy! Not that 28 and beyond won't be fabulous, but 27 is going to shake things up in a big way...I can just feel it!!

I'll be back tomorrow with real pictures from a real photographic session! Happy New Year's Eve!

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