The last week she's really been fighting sleep at night. We know she's tired, it's so obvious. After her bath she nurses, she's walked & whistled to, she's sung to, she's rocked, she's nursed some more, she's left alone in the crib, she's walked again, she's nursed again...and FINALLY she goes to sleep.
After her bath, the yelling starts. It's hilarious really, and probably part of the reason we're so lenient with making her go to sleep. She is so darn cute! She literally yells to keep herself awake. If you've ever heard a baby talk then you know how cute it is! When you lay her down in her bed and tell her goodnight, she thinks it's hilarious. And how can you walk away from a happy, talking baby?! You can't. Anyway, my point is this: She's tired, but she's a fighter.
I put her on her mat this afternoon while I tried to edit for a bit and five minutes later, I looked over to see this.

She usually loves to play with the duck and kick the poles, but today, today it was just too much.

She was wearing a pair of her favorite (ok really they're mine) socks.

Tomorrow I'm thinking we just put her on the mat after her bath!

My sweet silly girl, we love you so much...even if you do require a three hour bedtime routine.
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