August 30, 2010
August 29, 2010
saturday night
This is how she fell asleep. And that subtle glow on her left side? Well that's from Daddy's iPhone. The very device he's always telling me to keep away from her because of the radiation.
Radioactive arm aside, isn't she so adorable?!
Radioactive arm aside, isn't she so adorable?!

August 28, 2010
window clings

I was just supposed to stop in and get paper towels, but as is the case any time I stop at Target, I got much more! They're tricky with those dollar bins up front!
I picked up some reusable farm animal clings. I tried putting them on the window after our outside play time but I was getting nowhere fast. As soon as one went on, Avery was beside me pulling it off. And really, that was part of what I had planned, just to let her experience and peel and feel, but I was also thinking I could possibly get her to look at the animals and we'd go over our animals and sounds.
So the clings were set aside for a couple of hours. And by set aside, I mean Harper chewed two and the rest were slung across the floor. But then! Then she napped! So I got out the window markers and collected the abused farm animals.

And once she was awake, well I already knew they wouldn't last long. We didn't really get through all of the animals and that's okay, she had fun. :)

August 26, 2010
an afternoon nap

It was such a good nap. It lasted almost three hours! Shortly after she fell asleep I needed to take a picture of how perfectly sweet she looked. Sometimes I just have to, just because.

a chalk walk
On Sunday evening Avery & I spent some time decorating the sidewalk. Well, I mostly drew while she mostly pulled out each piece of chalk and dropped it onto the concrete. She really likes to drop things. Because it hasn't actually rained at our house, my fabulous chalk drawings are still decorating our sidewalks. I'm sure the FedEx guy appreciated our artwork this afternoon!

She so loves to be outside and walking around. We try to get out as often as we can but because of the heat (and humidity!!), it's usually restricted to morning and evening. So when Tuesday afternoon turned cloudy, we headed outside.

I love her chalky little feet and yeah, right now she has cankles. They're really really cute!

She so loves to be outside and walking around. We try to get out as often as we can but because of the heat (and humidity!!), it's usually restricted to morning and evening. So when Tuesday afternoon turned cloudy, we headed outside.

I love her chalky little feet and yeah, right now she has cankles. They're really really cute!
August 25, 2010
3 naps=3 weeks
Deran has to wear a tie to work every single day, with the exception of wearing a district shirt. Oh how I love those district shirts! I especially love them because if taken out of the dryer as soon as the cycle is complete - they don't need to be ironed!!
But alas, ironing is a must on most days. The problem is that I don't always feel like it. I've thought about taking his things to the cleaners, but I just can't see paying for something I can easily do at home. And expecting him to iron himself is just not realistic. Sure, he did manage to scrounge up clothes most of the summer when polos were acceptable (momma got a little lazy!), but he's not exactly a morning person so I know he appreciates me setting his clothes out and shaving a little time off his already hurried routine.

Over the course of three naps, I was able to iron THREE WEEKS worth of work attire for D. Now some may think it's ridiculous that he even owns that many dress shirts and khakis. I totally agree!! But I'm kind of glad because now I don't have to iron for at least two more weeks. :)
And a special thank you to my ever-present and always helpful assistants - Avery + pugs. Without your excellent nap taking skills this could not have been accomplished, so thank you sweet girl!

She often helps me hang the outfit for the next day as well as get into various bathroom drawers/cabinets/accessories. Yesterday she managed to find and eat a piece of toilet paper from the floor by the toilet. Totally gross.
But alas, ironing is a must on most days. The problem is that I don't always feel like it. I've thought about taking his things to the cleaners, but I just can't see paying for something I can easily do at home. And expecting him to iron himself is just not realistic. Sure, he did manage to scrounge up clothes most of the summer when polos were acceptable (momma got a little lazy!), but he's not exactly a morning person so I know he appreciates me setting his clothes out and shaving a little time off his already hurried routine.

Over the course of three naps, I was able to iron THREE WEEKS worth of work attire for D. Now some may think it's ridiculous that he even owns that many dress shirts and khakis. I totally agree!! But I'm kind of glad because now I don't have to iron for at least two more weeks. :)
And a special thank you to my ever-present and always helpful assistants - Avery + pugs. Without your excellent nap taking skills this could not have been accomplished, so thank you sweet girl!

She often helps me hang the outfit for the next day as well as get into various bathroom drawers/cabinets/accessories. Yesterday she managed to find and eat a piece of toilet paper from the floor by the toilet. Totally gross.
August 21, 2010
no, thank you global supply online
So the same night Deran ordered our new phones, he ordered new cases. Well he ordered me a white one and I may have mentioned that he should've consulted me because I really wanted the black/pink one. So the next day he ordered it. In the meantime, our original cases came in and were put on the phones. My new case came in yesterday but I left it in the envelope for D to open and put on my phone, because I'm sweet like that.
He's been staying late since school is starting on Monday and technology is largely responsible for making sure things go off without a hitch. Anyway, sometime after 2:00 a.m. he came in and stood by the bed and showed me my phone in my new case. My sleepy reply? "That's so cute!" So much better than the white, really!
So after he rolled out of bed this morning he was all, "You wouldn't believe how much XXXX paid for his phone cover, $50!" And I thought that was reasonable since a friend sent me this link where I was able to find my coveted new cover and noticed that it was $49.95. So I asked Deran how much he paid and he told me $15...Um...hmmm...
Now the first two cases he ordered had OTTER clearly plastered on the packaging and paperwork. Soooooo I just don't believe that even at 2:00 in the morning he didn't realize he did not actually buy me the Otter Box Defender. Because that paperwork?! Doesn't even mention the word Otter. Though I should be able to get it in my school colors! Like, totally awesome!

Of course I had to retrieve my phone to inspect it.

He's so cute. And also, my new case has been ordered!
He's been staying late since school is starting on Monday and technology is largely responsible for making sure things go off without a hitch. Anyway, sometime after 2:00 a.m. he came in and stood by the bed and showed me my phone in my new case. My sleepy reply? "That's so cute!" So much better than the white, really!
So after he rolled out of bed this morning he was all, "You wouldn't believe how much XXXX paid for his phone cover, $50!" And I thought that was reasonable since a friend sent me this link where I was able to find my coveted new cover and noticed that it was $49.95. So I asked Deran how much he paid and he told me $15...Um...hmmm...
Now the first two cases he ordered had OTTER clearly plastered on the packaging and paperwork. Soooooo I just don't believe that even at 2:00 in the morning he didn't realize he did not actually buy me the Otter Box Defender. Because that paperwork?! Doesn't even mention the word Otter. Though I should be able to get it in my school colors! Like, totally awesome!

Of course I had to retrieve my phone to inspect it.

He's so cute. And also, my new case has been ordered!
August 17, 2010

So I'm getting a new phone. Last Friday as I was loading the car with lots of boxes and cases of water from my favorite place to buy in bulk, Avery threw my phone out of the shopping cart onto the parking lot pavement. TWICE. Now I know what you're thinking, "Twice?!" Right, and it was that second time that did it in. But in my defense, when she threw it down the first time I didn't hand it to her, I just set it beside her (smart, I know!) and went about loading those heavy, heavy, distracting boxes and bottles of water into the back of the car.
I really should've known better, because she'd already tossed a baby and of course, my iPhone the first time. But anyway, I'm getting a new iPhone! Thanks to her:

She who likes to stand on her head. And uses a plastic dog as a phone. Thanks baby!

August 12, 2010

So she's a walker now. It just kind of happened really quickly. She'd been taking steps and then last week she was all, "Yeah so I think I'm just gonna walk all the time now mmmmkay?" And off she went.
Last night when D got home I was holding her on the couch and she started fussing, so I set her down and she toddled over to him, arms in the air for him to pick her up like he does every evening when he gets home. It was really cute. This week has seen more bruises, more tears over being turned around, and unfortunately more of this. But walking is fun!
*Frankstein graphic pulled from this site, and the design is kind of lame (in my opinion!) but it has some really awesome printables!*
August 11, 2010
one little cookie
I was eating a 100 calorie pack of chocolate cookies and didn't see the harm in letting Avery have one little cookie. I'm not sure why I ever think giving her food outside of her high chair (and without a bib!) is a good idea. She really likes to spit food out these days. But of course she likes to chew it up a bit first.

Her face actually looks cleaned up a bit since she'd already wiped some of it on my leg. I'm a mean momma because she just wanted me to hold her and I just wanted to take a picture first! Don't worry, there was lots of holding and clothes changing afterward.

Her face actually looks cleaned up a bit since she'd already wiped some of it on my leg. I'm a mean momma because she just wanted me to hold her and I just wanted to take a picture first! Don't worry, there was lots of holding and clothes changing afterward.
August 8, 2010
all partied out

I want to thank several people who helped make Avery's party a lovely experience. My parents who always go above and beyond, my dad picked up the bounce castle and my mom iced all the cupcakes on Friday. My mom & Aunt W picked up food and set it out on Saturday and kept things refilled during the party. My sister-in-law (totally relying on you for the pictures, so no pressure!) took pictures while we opened gifts and ate cake so I was able to participate. My husband and dad mowed the yard and set up the castle. A few out of town friends arrived early so I put them to work on making a party hat for Avery & tying strings on balloons. And my mom, Aunt W, sister-in-law & brother-in-law cleaned up afterward while I played outside in the castle with Avery & Deran. It takes a village, people! Ha. Ha ha, get it?! Village People?! Okay that was kind of lame.

Seriously though, I have an amazing family and great friends and I appreciate all the help because it certainly does sound like I didn't do anything. :) And I kind of didn't. There were some things I'd spent a lot of time working on that didn't come together for the party and it was okay. I was stressed leading up to it about the house being clean, the decorations being finished, the candle being sewn on crooked on Avery's shirt, whether or not there would be enough food, and the list goes on. And you know what? Once people started arriving I found that I didn't care about any of it. My house was full of family and babies and craziness and it was fantastic!

This morning it was just the three of us again, plus a couple of pugs, and we watched the video (thanks T!) of the party as we played with new toys. Then we watched all the old footage from the past year. It's amazing watching Avery learn and grow. To see how deliberate her actions are now versus November when she would lay on the mat and try to kick her legs. Lots of reminiscing over this birthday week. Love, love, LOVE my baby girl!!
August 5, 2010
just a couple more days
My house isn't even close to being ready to host a party on Saturday. Lots of work to do over the next two days, starting with a photo banner.

And that's probably why my house looks like a disaster. Instead of actually cleaning, I take on crafty projects. Then I take pictures. Then I blog.

And that's probably why my house looks like a disaster. Instead of actually cleaning, I take on crafty projects. Then I take pictures. Then I blog.
August 3, 2010
twelve months
Today Avery turned one. I was a little more emotional than I thought I would be. I didn't spend the day in tears, but I felt them coming on a time or two. A year. Crazy.
At twelve months Avery really loves playing with the pugs, us, breastfeeding, her independence, dancing, and laughing. She loves to hold toys out for Harper to try and get, or she takes one of their toys and quickly moves away. I think Oscar & Harper really love Avery now because she drops a crazy amount of food off her high chair. On the rare occasion I give her a snack in the living room, the food ends up on floor, scattered for the dogs.
And speaking of dogs, she does an adorable, "Woo woo woo" (woof woof woof) when you ask what the dog says or if she sees a dog or if she hears a dog. And sometimes she does it when she sees a cat too. She's got the dog and cow down, she bounces up and down for a bunny, and she waves her arm for birds. Well, that and she points to the sky. I think this is partly because we see the birds outside and I always point and partly because she has bird pictures on her wall that we always point out. This morning she started making the monkey sounds when we were reading a book but I'm pretty sure my response scared her and she didn't do it again all day.
Avery is a very lovable baby but she's definitely an independent girl. She'll push away our hands or cry if you pick her up when she wants to be down. She's shy around a lot of people or new people, but once she warms up she's silly. She really loves to dance and nothing's cuter than when she just randomly starts moving her head back and forth and bouncing around. She's got the music in her! Equally cute is when she laughs randomly. Today we ate lunch at the Aquarium and she sat in Deran's lap until our food arrived. She just watched the fish, her legs crossed properly, and would bust out with random fits of laughter. Very adorable and funny.
She dislikes not getting her way. I can't say I blame her, I prefer to get my way too. Overall she really has such a great attitude and disposition. We've definitely been blessed with such a happy baby.
I can hardly believe how quickly the year has flown by. I know I say that every month, but time just never seems to slow down around here. Our lives have been forever changed in the best way. I think every day we love her a little more than the day before. She brings us so much joy, it's amazing the things her smile can do. She makes things better.
And can you even believe there's no monthly iPhone photo collage?! Sadly I've misplaced my phone...really hoping it's not in the trash sitting at the curb since it doesn't appear to be anywhere in the house.

Happy twelve month birthday baby girl, we love you lots!!
At twelve months Avery really loves playing with the pugs, us, breastfeeding, her independence, dancing, and laughing. She loves to hold toys out for Harper to try and get, or she takes one of their toys and quickly moves away. I think Oscar & Harper really love Avery now because she drops a crazy amount of food off her high chair. On the rare occasion I give her a snack in the living room, the food ends up on floor, scattered for the dogs.
And speaking of dogs, she does an adorable, "Woo woo woo" (woof woof woof) when you ask what the dog says or if she sees a dog or if she hears a dog. And sometimes she does it when she sees a cat too. She's got the dog and cow down, she bounces up and down for a bunny, and she waves her arm for birds. Well, that and she points to the sky. I think this is partly because we see the birds outside and I always point and partly because she has bird pictures on her wall that we always point out. This morning she started making the monkey sounds when we were reading a book but I'm pretty sure my response scared her and she didn't do it again all day.
Avery is a very lovable baby but she's definitely an independent girl. She'll push away our hands or cry if you pick her up when she wants to be down. She's shy around a lot of people or new people, but once she warms up she's silly. She really loves to dance and nothing's cuter than when she just randomly starts moving her head back and forth and bouncing around. She's got the music in her! Equally cute is when she laughs randomly. Today we ate lunch at the Aquarium and she sat in Deran's lap until our food arrived. She just watched the fish, her legs crossed properly, and would bust out with random fits of laughter. Very adorable and funny.
She dislikes not getting her way. I can't say I blame her, I prefer to get my way too. Overall she really has such a great attitude and disposition. We've definitely been blessed with such a happy baby.
I can hardly believe how quickly the year has flown by. I know I say that every month, but time just never seems to slow down around here. Our lives have been forever changed in the best way. I think every day we love her a little more than the day before. She brings us so much joy, it's amazing the things her smile can do. She makes things better.
And can you even believe there's no monthly iPhone photo collage?! Sadly I've misplaced my phone...really hoping it's not in the trash sitting at the curb since it doesn't appear to be anywhere in the house.

Happy twelve month birthday baby girl, we love you lots!!
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