Not that the presence of this organ was ever really in question because we've seen it beating rapidly on screen a few times. But today, today I got to hear it!
I went in today and came out with some antibiotics but while I was there of course they checked on the baby. It was really neat and I could tell the baby was moving around but we got to hear the heartbeat and everything is great. When I found out she would be checking the heartbeat I was sad that Deran wasn't with me, but it wasn't a scheduled appointment so he didn't take off. My sweet mom was nice enough to go with me and I hurriedly got her out of the waiting room so she could come listen too.
So my uterus is happy. And that's not just my body talking folks, that's a direct quote from the nurse. Apparently it's in a good position so that makes me happy too. :)
I'm sorry if you came looking for pictures, it's all talk today--and female talk at that! I'll be back tomorrow with a peek from Sunday's session. I had a lot of fun with C and his mom. He's a super cool senior and he didn't even blink when I asked him to pose with an oversized inflatable phone!
I recently joined Twitter and you can follow me here. I also added a twitter update section above the archives over on the right side of the blog. Because really, who doesn't want to know what I'm doing at random times?!
I'm photographing my first senior boy tomorrow. Should be fun! Now I'm off to finish editing last Monday's family session!
So my sweet little neighbor came over with a friend today to deliver an invite to her family's weekend Mardi Gras celebration. Before the girls could run off and play I pounced on them with, "Are either of you a girl scout?!" When my neighbor said "Yeah, I am." I was all, "Are you selling cookies?!" And that is how it happened.
Yeah, there are two rows. I have been craving girl scout cookies for the last few weeks and I've been pestering Deran to find out if any of his co-workers are selling. I've had no success in my quest for caramel delite goodness...until today. Sweet H brought over her order form, I gave her my check and she promptly delivered my cookies. All. Six. Boxes.
So I gingerly opened box one of my caramel delites and ate a cookie...then another...and soon enough, this is what lay before me--an empty row.
When I decided to document my cookie binge Deran had to have one. I told him, "I bet you can't eat just one!" and I'm almost positive Lays stole that slogan from the Girl Scouts of America. He ate it, then immediately said he needed five more. I'm pretty sure he was making fun of me, but I also think a few more will be missing when I'm finished with this post.
So I ate one more caramel delite, bringing me to number six--the title of this post and the number of boxes of cookies I bought this afternoon. And actually, that doesn't include the two thin mints I ate...I was just trying to help a little girl build courage, confidence, and character.
**Update: Deran ate NINE cookies to finish off the box. You really can't eat just one!**
I hope everyone had a happy Valentine's yesterday! We did a whole lot of nothing and it was great!! My romantic meal consisted of hotdogs and a rootbeer. And I know hotdogs aren't supposed to be the best choice for a pregnant woman, but I made sure they were the correct temperature! I don't know why, but that was all I wanted to eat all day. I ate an early breakfast and by 4:00, we had to make a run to the local grocery store to pickup supplies. They were delicious!
I had a family session this morning and I hope to share some of those pictures tomorrow. After photographing the older kids, I forgot how fun toddlers are! You don't really tell a two year-old what to do, they kind of tell you. :)
It rained for hours last night and though the weatherman predicted only clouds for this morning, when I left my house it was a drizzly mess. While waiting for the family to arrive at our location, I snapped a few pictures of a rain soaked bush. Fortunately, it had stopped raining in time for the steps to dry and the session was a success!
Yesterday we couldn't hear your heartbeat and all the while we were waiting, I felt that my heart was going to pound its way out of my chest. You are fine, a little uncooperative, and you like to move...a lot.
Our doctor is so amazing and reassuring, you're so lucky she'll be helping you into this world. We got to see you and the doctor counted your fingers--they're all least on one hand. Mostly you spent those minutes turning and kicking. I'm a little concerned, those kicks looked like they pack a pretty mean punch! Silly baby, I look forward to the day I start to feel the energy you displayed for us yesterday.
You didn't really stop to pose for your picture (don't worry, you'll get used to the camera) so it captured you in motion and the doctor was right, this image is who you are now--moving, growing, and active. Your daddy and I can't wait to meet you...but we'll settle for August! You are so loved.
So I've been out of town this week attending a convention. Not for photography, for technology. It was really a great convention and I came away with lots of new ideas.
I think Friday was the best. Dr. Robert Ballard was the guest speaker at the closing session and he was so interesting! Among other achievements, he found the Titanic. I could've listened to him speak for hours, but it only lasted about 45 minutes. If you have a minute, you should check him out.
Also interesting was coming back to the hotel afterwards and finding out that the Ikkicon Anime Convention was in full swing on the second floor. The costumes were out there and the session titles were even more interesting. I think my co-worker summed it up best when she said, "Different strokes for different folks."
I have several sessions scheduled this month and I'm excited to shoot and share. Until then, I'm seeing some pug pictures on the horizon!
I'm not sure there is an accessory cuter than a hat for babies and children. I really, really love photographing kids with hats!
They're not always cheap, but it's so worth investing in some cute winter hats when you see the resulting images! If you haven't yet discovered Etsy, shame on you! You can find just about anything and some very cute hats can be found here, here, and here.
I can hardly stand the cuteness! My sweet baby doesn't know what it has coming! :)