Amy Schilling Photography Blog

January 1, 2012

living a happy life in 2012

So we're back at the old house tonight, with a computer! and Internet!  But no pictures because I can't seem to find my card reader.  Moving is lame!

I did want to get in a Happy New Year! before the day ends.  Every year I make a list of resolutions and tuck them into the Christmas tree box.  And every year they are forgotten about the time the tree is hefted into the attic.  I'm terrible at keeping resolutions!  So this year, I've decided on ONE resolution I know I can keep - to live happy in 2012.  To find a reason each day to be thankful, there are too many to count.  To take five minutes to do something that I want to do.  To take on less work and spend more time with my husband and baby girl.  To have a more positive outlook and try to think before I speak.  To exercise and lose weight, not just for my health but because cute clothes make me smile.  Sounds like a lot, no?  But really, aaaallll of those things and so many more fit into my "Live Happy." And I don't have to beat myself up over any of those little things because at the end of the year I can look back and ask myself if I was happy in 2012, I can't imagine thinking anything but YES!  This is my life, and it's good.

Yesterday I texted a friend a joke with a photo I took at the local Wal-Mart.  She responded and then added, "Here's to embracing change in 2010 and finding happiness."  And you know what, I didn't even correct her on the year (Hey Cheri! I know you know it's 2012!) but I thought she summed up my thoughts on this new year perfectly.  

It's funny because around the end of October/November I started really thinking about turning 30 and wondering what God had in store for this year.  Everything was going great, a successful business, good health, great family - and then Deran got a new a new city.  And man is life changing!  But out with the old and in with the new, I think this year is going to be a good one!

And remember last year, I made resolutions for Avery because I'm an awesome parent like that.  I can happily say two out of three have a CHECK and number three is in progress because she's an awesome kid like that.  #1 Continue being cutest kid ever - DONE #2 Speak in full sentences - DONE #3 Potty Trained - Dora panties all day most days in the month of December! 

Happy 2012!! 

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