Is it just me or are the pumpkins bigger than last year? I mean, I know my girl is small but good grief did our patch have some large pumpkins! For the third year in a row we headed to the pumpkin patch on Schilling Avenue. It's a great spot and Avery had a lot of fun running around...not so much fun on the train ride. No pictures of that because I was walking around to keep up with the train to reassure my baby of her safety. She cried the whole way around the pumpkin patch but later told us it was fun. :)

When I got home and looked through these pictures, I noticed that Avery looks like a big kid. And then I cried. The End.

One of these pumpkins is not like the others, one of these pumpkins just doesn't belong...

Two things about the pictures below. First, Avery had her first snow cone. I think she took two bites. And the second thing is that Deran is totally cheesy. There are signs posted all over the pumpkin patch that he ignores every year. So this year I was all, "I'm going to set this up and get you picking up a pumpkin behind the sign!" It's true, I may be a little cheesy too. ANYWAY, when I took the picture he totally turned and smiled like a loon. He is ridiculous (and maybe a little rude for not abiding by the rules!) but he makes me laugh.

When did my forehead start looking like this guy's http://images.fineartamerica.com/images-medium/1-herman-munster-christopher-chouinard.jpg
ReplyDeleteI think when you started cutting your own hair. But totally appropriate to the holiday! :)