I'm probably being a little dramatic but when we haven't had much rain since I can't even recall, the storm on the day of Brianne's bridal portrait session was like, REALLY?! It was soooooo dark and stormy but she'd already had her hair and makeup professionally done so we met at her church to rock out some bridal portraits in the storm of the century. And now I really am being dramatic.

The stained glass windows on the day of her wedding were so beautiful, the weather was perfect! I'll have lots to share from that special Saturday soon...or soonish. I love to be really specific...ish.

We did end up meeting for some more casual photos at her parents' farm one Sunday evening. And I can now add falling on my behind to my list of fabulous photo session moments. I felt like I was really in slow motion and I know I held my camera up but the whole thing was over quickly and I was back on my feet. All I can say is that I'm glad I carry Ibuprofen in my shootsac! :)

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