For the last couple of years we've gone to a local pumpkin patch at the corner of a busy intersection where pumpkins are grown on pallets and I couldn't love it more! It's really the best little faux patch around. We've been to two pumpkin patches this year for a total of three trips, all with various cousins. I didn't dislike the second patch, but well, I may be a little partial to the first one because it's on Schilling Avenue!

This year the patch had more designer pumpkins, or not just orange anyway. They always have a nice selection of funky gourds.

Deran was sad Avery didn't pick one of them instead of her little orange pumpkin.

I also love this patch because it has a barrel train and silly signs like, "Happy Fall Y'all" and "Punkin" and "Please do not pick up by stems." You'd be surprised how many people ignore that last one...ahem, Deran!

On this trip, we met up with cousins D & K. K was excited when we first got there! Picking pumpkins can do that to a girl.

Avery has several teeth about to come in and I think her mouth was bothering her. She was chewing on fingers for a while. Either way, she still looks cute! And it was sweet of D to go in for the hug. Such a cooperative boy! I think Avery looks so little next to him, or maybe he looks really tall?

Another thing I really love about this patch is the amazing light. Of course you have to be there at the right time, but man, I do love a little sun. The picture on the right cracks me up. She's carrying a pumpkin that is really too heavy for one hand. The next in the series was her open-mouthed like, "uh oh!" and then she dropped it.

By this point K was over sitting on the ground for a picture. She just wanted her momma to help her up. :)

I think I have the most concerned pumpkin patch goer ever. She did smile some, I'm pretty sure she had a good time. She's just...serious about pumpkins.

I'll be showcasing the highlights from our other two trips this week before Halloween. We have a few more activities planned and I'm super excited to photograph Avery in her costume!! I may have procrastinated a bit, but it'll be here Thursday. Hopefully.
Wondering why my girl doesn't have a Halloween shirt from cousin Amy?