Even though Avery loves Diego now, I'd already planned a Wonder Pets party since she was all about the pets a month ago. Kids - they're so fickle! I tried unsuccessfully to take happy pictures of Avery so her invitation went out with a very unhappy girl on the front. It actually worked out perfectly since Linny, Tuck, and Ming Ming are all about helping babies in trouble and my girl looked like she was in trouble.

She was not in the best of moods on the morning of her birthday party but by that afternoon Avery was in great spirits and had a blast! Our good friend Tina made the welcome sign that went outside. Sadly, my pictures don't do it justice. It was so cute and had balloons tied to it and everything. If you've never seen an episode, her masterpiece looks just like the opening of the show. Great job T!

Our house was set up similar to last year, except this year a photo from each month of the last year was hung up in the hallway and paper garland banners adorned the windows. One of these years we're going to have her party oustide and I'll have fabulous light and awesome party pictures. But probably not really. August is hot.

And the fireplace...and the food table. I really like the paper banners, the colors just make me happy!

I ordered cruffles from the fabulous CoCo Couture. They did such an amazing job on the custom Wonder Pets pops and of course they were delicious. I've got some really cute pictures of the pops coming soon!

All of the food was really yummy actually. My mom made Avery's rainbow ruffle cake and cupcakes. Some of the food isn't out because I took pictures before things got started. :)

Party hats and favor bags.

And proof that at least two hats were worn.

I'm not sure how it works in other families, but on my mom's side there were seven of us cousins and we've all stayed fairly close over the years. And over the last several years we've produced 14 babies, with another cousin due this year! So what I'm saying is, Avery will never lack a large crowd at her birthday party. We were missing a couple of cousins from my side, but several Schilling cousins were present as well as a handful of friends. There were babies everywhere, but I only took a couple of pictures of my girl. Like last year, I'm depending on other people (namely my sister-in-law, no pressure!) to give me pictures of the cake being eaten, presents being opened, and fun being had.

Thanks so much to everyone that made it out to celebrate Avery's 2nd birthday party, and thanks to those who emailed, called, or messaged me on her actual birthday. Even though she hid while we sang happy birthday, it warmed my heart to hear all the voices wishing her a happy day. My girl won't be short on love and I'm so thankful for that!
And I have to give credit where credit is due. I first saw the idea for the birthday sign when I was searching the web for anything Wonder Pets. Avery's birthday banner is the same as last year, just different colors, and totally inspired by this fabulous party product designer. The paper bunting was inspired by this amazing Etsy shop. And of course many thanks to the friends and family who helped set up and pick up!
Lots coming up this week. A couple of crafts, a sweet newborn baby girl, and of course some photos of my tot. :) A new look for the blog and site is on the way and I'm really excited. The main site is also going to be getting some long overdue updates to the portfolio section!!
Hey, these are just outstanding photos from wonder pets save Avery's birthday bash. Truly I would love to imitate these decorations in my daughter’s 4th birthday bash with some more DIYs. We have a small house so would prefer hosting this bash at some local outdoor event venues in Chicago.