And sometimes it's nice to just be a mom. Business has been good and I'm definitely so blessed, but I still found myself stressing the week before Easter over deadlines, staying up too late editing, fighting off the tired grumpies the next day, and repeat. This week Avery has napped twice and it's only Wednesday, that's crazy since I thought her napping days were behind us. Crazy good for my work schedule and this week I've caught up on work and gone to bed early! Yea!
Going to bed early means I have more energy to enjoy the days with my favorite girl. We've been having lots of fun lately and she's acting so grown up these days. Tonight during dinner she wanted out of her highchair to sit in a regular chair beside me. She had the biggest grin on her face when Deran moved her to a chair at the table!
I have lots to share over the next week but first, an Easter snapshot. When it came time for the egg hunt, all eyes turned to me and my dad asked if I'd brought my camera. Indeed I had, but I said I really wanted to just enjoy the hunt with Avery and not worry with taking pictures of everything. Because sometimes, I want to just be a mom. But of course after a heavy lunch everyone was moving slowly and I started to twitch a little at all the cuteness that was going undocumented around me, so I got my camera out of the car. And I'm really glad I did because during the hunt I would've missed this.

Avery proudly running with her "burple" egg, sporting her farmer's tan, and her uneven (blown out) bow I hastily hot glued together before church. It's not a perfect picture, but it's certainly a moment that makes this momma's heart happy. It really is nice to be just a mom to that girl.
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