Ok, you got me. She really has two eyes. After playing outside for a bit, she just had to get in the jogging stroller to play with the steering wheel and toys positioned on the front. And then three seconds later she wanted out.

Instead of getting her out we went for a stroll down the street and back. I've been trying to get in as much outside time as possible since the forecast for the week is looking more conducive to inside play. What with the thunderstorms, freezing temperatures, and possible snow and all. And yet, today it was 70 degrees and I didn't even take a jacket to the park this morning!

So playing outside, whiling away an hour before starting dinner, wearing Avery out for a peaceful bedtime. She was mid "Moooommmmaa!" in the trio below. I would run to one end of the sidewalk and wait for her to come get me. I doubt I'll ever tire of hearing her call for me. I love to hear her call me at night or after a nap, it's one of the sweetest things - to be called Momma.

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