That's right, on the one day you're supposed to be all counting your blessings I'm basically thankful for ME. Just kidding! I mean, I'm definitely thankful that this is my life, but I'm also thankful for so much more. We had a nice lunch with my family followed by some Christmas decorating with my mom. Tomorrow we'll do Thanksgiving part deux with more family. I'm chock full of good times and good food tonight!
Today was a really great day. Avery & I woke up first, cuddled and spent a few minutes creating monsters. Then instead of Deran trying to con me into letting him sleep for another 15 minutes, he got up and squeezed me & Avery in a family hug and said, "Let's be thankful together." Then he played with Avery while I made turkey pancakes, complete with cheesy beaks, strawberry wattles, and craisin eyes.

My two turkeys enjoying their turkeys and watching the Macy's parade.

Then I started making Avery a shirt to wear to lunch.

While I ironed Avery kept herself busy...

Then while I prepared deviled eggs Avery walked around the house dragging this blanket behind her. It was so random and funny!

In the car, on our way to eat.

So very tired (no nap!) about to leave Nana & Pop's house.

And we made some monsters in the car on the way home.

I documented the day with my trusty iPhone. Shame on me, but it's so much easier to use! I really am so thankful for my family and for my life. It's not perfect, but it's really close.
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