Day Four: I'm so thankful God answers prayers.

Last Sunday I got to spend some time with a great family who just welcomed a sweet new baby boy. When his aunt first contacted me about a session she said that prayers had been answered by his addition to the family, and in an email from his mom she said, "He is such a blessing...truly a gift from God." I couldn't agree with them more.

A recent sermon centered around the statement, "God answers prayers." And you know what? He does. I think so many times we lose focus and the day passes by or maybe life isn't going the way we want, or we get busy and prayer is pushed to the background. I can't even explain how deeply I believe that He does answer prayers and that if you have a problem or concern, you should pray. I mean, a really earnest conversation with God? It can change your life.

God is so good, He gets me through - always. My Mamaw was an excellent prayer warrior. I always felt like her words were so sincere, like there was no way whatever she was praying for wouldn't come to pass. Her heartfelt prayers are maybe what I miss the most.

And I'm not naive, I know sometimes life seems unfair. That maybe you have prayed for something and it didn't happen and this is really tough, but there's a bigger picture - a greater plan that may not always be seen at first glance. But when that plan is revealed?

Well, there's nothing better. Congrats again H Family! He does answer prayers.
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