At nine months Avery loves breastfeeding, Mommy & Daddy, the pugs, jumping, standing, baths, & talking/yelling. She still loves to grab anything she can but now she inspects things first before putting them in her mouth...mostly...sometimes. She's a girl on the move though she's not technically crawling. She gets on all fours and gets about two crawls before she flattens and adorably whines to be sat up. She loves to play at her activity table and walks all around it and has gotten quite brave. She'll let go to try and bend down to touch a toy or to grab one of us or to grab at the couch.
She's becoming more interactive and she watches us closely. She started making a new clicking noise with her tongue and she can mimic a few of our sounds. Of course, never when we want her too, but when she feels like it it's very cute. :) She's become an excellent page turner when we read books and I love to watch her use her pointer finger to feel the different textures in the touch and feel books. It's totally adorable! She uses that pointer a lot to touch new things and grab food and I just never get tired of looking at her little hands learn and explore.
She's still not interested in baby food/rice cereal/oatmeal. She does like puffs, sometimes yogurt melts, and the occasional yogurt. Every now and then she'll take a bite of banana. She's well on her way to eating a full meal before kindergarten!
She likes to watch Miss BG on Qubo and she finds the the sleep number bed infomercial particularly amusing. Apparently she finds joy in another's discomfort as she regularly gets a big smile on her face as the lady is describing her back pain prior to her mattress purchase. It makes me smile too. Speaking of pain, Avery now has two teeth with four on the way. She's not been fussy or drooly and I can't believe how well she handles it all.
She dislikes being laid down after she gets up for a nap. Like if you need to change a diaper or something, just wait a minute. I think she thinks she's got to go back to sleep when she's laid down and once she's up...she's up!
I have a lot to say at nine months. She really is such a joy to parent! Not that I haven't enjoyed every other month, but the more she interacts the more fun we have, and lately, that's a lot! While listening to the radio this morning I heard two separate broadcasts about staying at home with your children and it really reaffirmed our decision for me to stay home. I'm so glad I get to be with her every single day and I know it doesn't work out for every person, but I really am so thankful it works for us.

Happy nine month birthday baby, you are so loved!
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