He had it shipped to work so I wouldn't find out. I have the original shuffle so it's a definite upgrade for me and I'm excited to use it! It's funny because a couple of days before my birthday we saw a commercial for the nano and he asked me what I thought of them. I told him they were nice but I couldn't see myself ever needing one. And when he asked if I had to choose what color I'd want, I immediately replied, "Pink!" I saw he gave me a funny look and I thought he was thinking something along the lines of 'typical girl response' so I blurted out, "Nah, not really...GREEN!"
I really do like the pink one. And a bonus -- it matches my surprise Christmas present! But my favorite thing about my new nano is the back.

I call him Husband, he calls me Wife. Before we were married it was Boyfriend & Girlfriend. We're weird...but, I am loved.
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