Meet Sophie, she's from France. Though in our house her accent comes out more Eliza Doolittle pre-Henry Higgins than any French person I've ever heard. It's quite funny. My mom recently purchased Sophie for Avery to help with the teething. Sophie's such a lady.

We also have this toy. Deran ordered it along with a mobile from the same store shortly after we found out we were expecting. It's not new, she's just now starting to play with it. She's really starting to grab and grasp. We love watching her learn!

I know I've talked about it before, but I just love when she keeps her toes bent or flexed for long periods of time. I think it's cute and it drives Deran CRAZY.

Tell Deran that the curling toes is a girl thing. It's all in preparation for the walking in thong sandals!