Amy Schilling Photography Blog

March 3, 2013

three years + seven months

'Tis official, Avery is closer to four than three.  For once I can't say that I'm sad about her aging as three is proving to be...challenging...yeah, we'll go with that.  Avery is still sweet and amazing and the best girl ever.  The good will always outweigh the bad, some days I just have to repeat that a few more times. ;)

At 43 months Avery really loves watching TV.  No really, that's it - this update is DONE.  She has really been digging Busytown Mysteries, My Little Ponies, and the occasional Dora.  Phineas & Ferb, who?!  We've hardly seen them over the last month!

She does enjoy a few other activities, like playing outside, "riding" her bike (really she just sits), and her imagination is as fantastic as ever.  Lulu and Brother are still very much a part of our lives and the two are always up to no good.  Any wrongdoing that could be attributed to Avery...nope, Lulu did it.  I love that she has this imaginary friend, it's great, I just wish he wasn't such a pain in the behind.  She can be mischievous on her own and at separate times I've found a plastic pony and a cheese wheel in the sleeve of my shirt.  While I'm wearing it.  One night when I went to give Dean a bath, Avery came walking down the hall with a soccer ball and another bouncy ball and asked if I minded her going to play soccer with Lulu and Brother in the living room.  Since it was already trashed with a million tiny toys and all breakables have been packed, I said, "Go right ahead!  Have fun!"  A few minutes later she ran into the bathroom to let me know that Lulu said she scored.  Awesome! :)

Speaking of imagination, it's so funny to me to see where she draws the line.  We have to get creative some days because we have Dean to consider too.  So for two days Avery used P&F stickers as characters and she would hold a few up, stick one on me to act out, etc.  On the second day she put a Doofenshmirtz and Isabella on my arm while I nursed Dean.  She began the bit as Agent P but when I tried to be Isabella she said, "No, she is just a sticker."  Of course.  Then one morning while I was reading, "Are You My Mother?" and the dog tells the bird no, Avery said, "Dogs can't talk."  Doesn't matter that a bird was doing the asking or that a hen had already answered, she's totally right - dogs can't talk.   I wish I could be in her head for just a minute.  

We've had a lot of gorgeous weather so we try to spend some time outside in the afternoons and there's a collection of toys near the stairwell Avery always asks to play with.  It started out as one lion and one tiger, then another tiger, and the collection now includes two dinosaurs, three tigers, two lions, a gorilla, a human baby, an ostrich, and a zebra.  I know at least one neighbor that's contributing to the stash, though we never see when another is added, only that there is something else.  It's hilarious to walk out because Avery will notice whatever new thing is there and say something like, "Oh my gosh!  Why is this happening to me?!  There's a...."  

Avery still loooooves Dean!  She loves him most when he's asleep.  As soon as he's asleep she decides it's time to smother him with kisses and hugs and if we're in the car then rattle his toys around!  Because?!  When I asked she told me she "loves to wake babies up!" Yay!  Thankfully our boy is an easygoing guy. :)

Lots going on in the next month as we make the move back to Houston and settle in.  We're excited to be near family again and I can't wait to see how our favorite girl finds our old haunts after a year of being away.  She is daily both ridiculous and a delight, these last few months of three should be fun!

The iPhone tribute, left to right and top to bottom: 1) Being resourceful in setting up her entertainment center. 2) Sour face over breakfast. 3) Waiting at the doctor's office on Valentine's Day! 4) Looking fancy at dinner ;) 5) Looooong baby! 6) Enjoying some treats at Sesame Street Live 7) Playing at Hoppy House 8) Moo! 9) Driving us home.  She should really pay more attention to the road. 

ak43months B

Happy 43 month birthday sweet girl, we love you lots!

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