Amy Schilling Photography Blog

December 3, 2012

three years + four months

I was sure hoping to be posting this monthly update from the hospital, but alas, I'm seated on the sofa instead.  My sweet girl fell asleep before 7:00 p.m. tonight after a tragic slip and a busted lip.  Ha!  I just realized it may have sounded like Avery should have been at the hospital, but I totally meant me with a new baby. :)  Anyway, enough I'M STILL PREGNANT mumbo jumbo - this is about our favorite girl! 

Avery at 40 months is just the most amazingly fun, wild, and sweet girl.  She basically loves everything, it's all her favorite anything EVER.  She is still all about Phineas and Ferb, Perry was actually in our Santa photo too.  She loves us "so much!!" and right back at her, she's the best!  Avery very much dislikes not getting her way and sleeping in her own bed.

Avery has lots of imaginary friends and is always talking to them, about them, etc.  Lulu and Brother are still hanging around but she also talks on her phone to her pretend friends a lot too. At least we know where most of them originated.  When she's pretending to be Candace of P&F fame, then she talks to her best friend Stacey.  She also talks to Becky, who I believe is PBS's Word Girl?  Maybe.  Anyway, Avery has always had a fantastic imagination and I'm glad to see it's still going strong.

She loves to cook in her kitchen and I think she will be especially excited to see all that Santa is preparing in his toy shop for her!  She makes us soup or eggs most often and loves to serve up some orange juice.  She also likes to help in the real kitchen and is so cute when she has to put on her apron first.  Though she ends up spending more time playing with the tiger over mitt than working, her help is always appreciated. ;)

We have been out and about A LOT this past month.  We've just been doing various activities, holiday shopping, and lots of walking.  I've been looking forward to Christmas for a while now and I admit to getting caught up in the gift buying/giving.  Avery is used to getting something nearly every time we go to Target or Hobby Lobby or wherever, but because Christmas is nearing I've started saying no.  It's such a novelty to her that she gets hung up on whatever she didn't get for days.  First, it was a baby horse from Toys R Us.  And actually, she's still talking about that one weeks later.  More recently she has been talking about two babies she didn't get at Marshall's.  She'll wake up the morning after visiting a store and say, "I'm not mad, maybe I'll get it for Christmas!  I put it on my list."  She puts eeeeeverything on her list.  Drawing the line is tough because we want to give her what she wants but then I think about the real reason we celebrate Christmas (she has been playing with her Veggie Tales Nativity for a month, baby Jesus is still her fave!) and the massive amount of toys we already own, not to mention what she'll be receiving from Santa and grandparents...and I think we're done.  

Make no mistake though, Avery is also a kind-hearted girl.  Someone offered to put away our shopping cart at Babies R Us one day after thanking her, I put Avery in the car and she said, "That was really very nice of her."  And we've been going through her toys to donate.  Now the problem here is that she's okay with getting rid of some things but she's also bad about getting things out of the bag. :)  She knows we want to give to those who don't have anything, but it's a hard concept for a happy girl with lots of toys to understand.

Avery and Deran have been on a couple of dates over the last month and on one outing they came home with a pet fish, Goldie the betta.  It's a miracle Goldie actually made it home but she's still swimming about.  Avery loves to feed her and takes the time to talk to her several times a day.  She's really so sweet!  Goldie is actually supposed to be a pet for Oscar and Harper, like those two need more responsibility, right?!  One Saturday I took Avery to make a craft and then we walked to the pet store.  They had rescue dogs out front up for adoption and she has been wanting to get a big dog for Oscar and a little dog for Harper ever since.  I told her I didn't think Daddy would agree to any more dogs in the apartment but maybe we could get the pugs a fish.  Except Avery's F is still a W so it's a really a pet "wishy."  Totally changing the subject but gosh I love to hear her talk.  When she has chocolate on her "wace" or we see a "wiretruck" it's always cute!

While Avery's Goldie is still swimming around, my mom's fish is not.  Avery has asked me repeatedly why Nana's fish went to Heaven.  Talk about hard to explain in a way she understands!  She broke my heart a little when she asked about us going to Heaven.  She teared up and asked if we would never come back and if the pugs could go with us.  I told her I think she's going to live a long happy life and that seemed to bring back a smile.  I don't think I was quite prepared to answer questions like that just yet!

And not to totally bring this post down after the last paragraph, because this is actually a praise, but I randomly found a knot behind Avery's knee earlier in the month and it fortunately turned out to be a cyst.  She was so good during the x-ray and then the ultrasound a few days later.  Deran ended up taking a long lunch and coming to the ultrasound with us and I was so thankful.  We were so glad the radiologist came in to talk to us before we even left the appointment to let us know his diagnosis.  Seeing our sweet girl laying on the table and finding out all is okay was such a relief!  Lots of prayers went up for her and I'm so grateful for God's presence and healing!

Enough sad happiness, onto the crazy!  Avery has been antagonizing the pugs to the point I want to kennel her instead.  Not really.  Maybe.  Sometimes.  She gets semi-attacked by Harper on a daily basis.  It's totally provoked so we don't punish Harper.  Avery is always trying to trap her or chase her or take her toy and put it on a high shelf or...the list could go on and on.  Oscar doesn't fare much better, he's just more tolerant.

A few things I want to remember from this month that she said or happened...One morning she was hugging me on the couch and told me she just couldn't stop hugging me because she loved me too much - one afternoon she put on some dress-up heels and then told me she wasn't a little girl, she was 16 - She dropped some toys in Dean's carseat one day and then cried because when he comes out he is going to tear up everything - she picked out purple panties one day to match her purple socks and fancy shoes, then told me she was going to look "wamous!" - She said she picks her nose so much because her nose likes it - After class one day as I was putting on her socks and shoes for a trip to the park, she asked if Daddy was coming. I told her he was still at work and she looked over at her teacher and told her, "You know my daddy is smart." Statement not a question. - She wants to get headphones to fit the pugs. - She has mastered taking photos with our phones and took several of me making various funny faces.  She was laughing so hard I didn't think she'd be able to actually take a picture.  She made sure to show it to Deran that night after dinner and giggled so much! - At the Christmas parade Spider Man came along and sprayed us all with some silly string.  Initially she was not a fan but then she played with it throughout the rest of the parade but kept asking, "Why did Spider Man do that?!" - She got so much joy out of rolling down the hill at the park and I got so much joy out of swinging with her.  She was facing me, sitting on my lap with her head on my shoulder and though we snuggle a lot it was one of the sweetest moments I keep thinking about several days later.

So Avery at 40 months is truly the best!  She always says she has the "best Daddy!" or the "best Momma!" and she's going to love us forever and forever and forever and forever.  I always respond with the same and I mean it.  We wouldn't trade our days with her for anything.  Forty months of parenting and she's still the best part of both of us.  We're soooo excited for what this next month holds!!!  We'll most definitely be welcoming a brother and then getting to celebrate our favorite holiday.  Lots of activities and life to be lived, I can't wait to see it through Avery's eyes!

The monthly iPhone update, top to bottom and left to right: being the saddest kid ever to visit Santa, laughing crazily while holding her snowman made at a tea party benefiting St. Jude's at our local PBK, lunching at the mall food court, holding Super Pug and being darn cute, headed out for a date with Daddy, testing out brother's new bed with lots of ponies and a Ming Ming mask, snacking on a cookie we got at the local Subway while out walking the 'hood, swinging from the monkey bars because she's a big kid now, a rare moment of contentment and snuggles between those two.   

           ak40months B

Happy 40 month birthday sweet girl, we love you lots!

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