I hope everyone had an excellent Christmas filled with wishes come true and lots of loved ones. Last year Deran and I went overboard with gifts and though we had a blast shopping and picking out things we'd like to play with (oh yes we did!), our girl could have cared less on Christmas morning. We decided to do things differently this year and we only bought a handful of gifts. I actually almost felt bad setting so few things under the tree last night, but honestly, Avery gets new toys throughout the year - nearly every time we go to a store! Besides, this holiday is about so much more than gifts under the tree.
But about those gifts? Well, Santa did good. She said her favorite gift was Chocolate Chip Puppy Dog. He traveled with us to the festivities today and when we got home she insisted he go out to use the restroom with the pugs. As she loves all things baby now, her new pram (on sale now!) and diaper bag were also a huge success. And I'll admit the Doodle Pro was a little bit for me too. I somehow went my whole childhood without having one and then my Mamaw & Papaw got me a magna doodle for my 16th birthday. It. Was. AWESOME!

So a half a dozen gifts and an hour to get through them because she wanted to play with each thing. Lunch with family, complete with TWO baby Jesus finger puppets atop a cake for a round of Happy Birthday. An evening spent playing with and enjoying the company of loved ones - it all adds up to a pretty great Christmas.
And so much for our scaled back style, I'm pretty sure my mom hit up every toy department from American Girl to the Dollar General. I kept reminding her that we're moving! TO AN APARTMENT! Her excuse for many things was the same, "It'll be great for her to play with in the car!" I'm not sure I'll be able to find my girl in the backseat for all the new things she has to play with in the car. But that's what grandparents are for, or so says Nana and Pop! It's pretty awesome for us too because we're setting the standard low. So like, next year we could get her seven things and she'd be all, "WHAT?! I only got six last year! AWESOME!" But when she walks into my mom's house she'll be like, "Um...these presents only cover the floor of the den. Why are they not filling up the kitchen? Cascading from the staircase? Spilling over the couches?!" If only I were kidding...
My crazy haired girl who we love so much. She's feeling bad this Christmas and I hope she's well soon!

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