I do mean that literally, it was H-O-T. We went for a visit to Moody Gardens last week and the power was off! We began at the aquarium which was actually air conditioned, then moved to the dinosaur exhibit. I'd taken Avery with a friend earlier in the month so we'd seen them roaring and moving, etc. They're not quite as ferocious when there's no power.

We ended our visit with a trip through the recently remodeled Rainforest Pyramid, or as we'll call it on this trip, THE TRIANGLE OF HELL. Of course it's usually quite warm in there, but without power it was hotter than it should be. Before entering, a worker had told us to move quickly through the top because it's cooler on the bottom - heat rises and all that. We opened the doors and whoa! There were fewer workers on hand inside because it was too hot and one young worker told us that it was getting bad for the animals. Fortunately the power was scheduled to be fixed later that night.

We all pretty much sped to the bottom where I decided to get my camera out and take a few pictures. I wasn't going to bother since I'd left it in my bag on previous exhibits, but they have some amazing plant and animal life in there!

Also amazing? The way my lens fogged up. We were so close to these monkeys, I could've easily picked one up and put it in my bag, but alas, I did not. I don't think monkeys are very clean.

And I only took one photo of Avery & Deran, and don't they look like they're having a blast?! Actually they both did enjoy it, besides the crazy heat. I contemplated trying to get a picture of the three of us, but I was perspiring profusely (does that sound better than sweating a lot?) and opted just to take a picture of my two favorite people. In really great light. Ha!

Avery was bummed for about a minute because we didn't get to see the Dora 4D movie, but I know we'll go back thanks to the season passes from my awesome in-laws! We all went to the Rainforest Cafe for lunch and enjoyed the river ride afterward. It was a great way to end the week!
Could I look any older? Seriously.