Today is officially the first day of summer, though I'd say we've been enjoying summerish weather and activities for the last month. And actually, these photos of Avery were taken one evening last week. I really do love summer - the late light, the hot temperatures, swimming, grilling - I just LOVE it all!

Every evening when we go out to water the garden, Avery inevitably ends up with the water hose. She especially loves watering the orange tree and then usually turns the hose on herself or me. I've gotten a little smarter lately and started putting her in a swimsuit before we go out.

Gosh, I love those pink ruffles! I kept telling her how cute she was before we even made it outside and she must have thought she looked pretty cute too. She threw a serious fit to keep it on when it was time for a bath. Feet stomping, arms flailing, crocodile tears - she really wanted to wear that suit!
This summer is off to a great start and I'm loving all the time we have to play and enjoy these beautiful days we've been having. One recent afternoon, several neighborhood kids set up a lemonade stand one street over. We passed by on our way home so we pulled in the driveway and I put Avery in her stroller to go purchase some pink lemonade. The kids were all really sweet and I love to see things like that. It makes me believe that the innocence of childhood hasn't been completely lost.

The summer I was pregnant with Avery I walked every night as part of my healthy living routine. So many times I wished for my camera! I saw a little boy, legs hanging over an ice chest, sitting inside it holding a water hose over his head. My sister and I often tried to create our own pools when we were little so it took me back. Now, almost two years later, the weather has turned warmer and I think about that scene. It's just so...SUMMER.

Oh, how I love this season of life! This second summer is going to be a good one.
Thanks for sharing such a wonderful pics.. love your blog and bookmark so please update and add some more pics...Thanks again.