I apologize for taking so long to post this sweet girl's session. I sent her parents a peek over a week ago but the blog has been in the midst of a transformation and I wanted to wait until I could share them after things were complete. Yea for bigger pictures to look at!

When Miss M came through the door I took one look at her, saw the cutest cheeks ever, and knew it was going to be a great session. Despite being asleep all snuggled in her carrier, once it was time to get started she was wide awake!

How lucky am I that I get to photograph such an adorable baby?! Seriously, she was so so cute!! I really appreciate how helpful and patient her parents were. Miss M made my job easy by being so darn precious and sleeping soundly.

Thanks so much M & J for letting me photograph your sweet baby girl and congrats again on becoming parents! And I can't end this post without sharing one more picture. Oh, the cheeks!! Adorable overload.

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