I mean sure, I did intend to get a few pictures of big brother too, but somehow when I settled in to go through my images I just kept seeing his sweet face.

I asked him to lay across the table so I could test the light. I'd say it was pretty perfect, or maybe it's just him. While his adorable little sister got a bite to eat, I stepped outside for a few pictures with the most handsome five year old I know.

And two minutes later he asked if his cousin (and partner in crime!) could take some pictures with him. These two separately are pretty darn cute, but together?! Adorable overload! And also a little mischievous. :)

Miss E, so full of spunk and so fun to photograph. Her momma and I were just discussing the wardrobe for her upcoming session and honestly, I.Can't.Wait. She will be adorable!!

He made me laugh because we heard sirens in the distance and he asked if I could give him two or three or sixty seconds to watch for the emergency vehicle to pass. And then he said maybe I could just watch him watching for it. It never passed by but I didn't mind, he was pretty cute to watch.

But wait! It was all about baby sister K, wasn't it? Yeah, it mostly was.

More to share of this sweet girl soon!
Love love love the photos! Beautiful kids, beautiful photos.