One of the main reasons I take so many pictures of Avery is because I want to remember all of the details. She does so many new and adorable things each day, but I get caught up in life and two days later I may have already forgotten when she started doing X. Photographs certainly help me recall what was happening and when it happened.
Of course there are some this one...when I just live the moments and record it all in my head (and on my blog!), without any photographic evidence. Last night she signed and spoke, "More." She does sign a few things, but she's really starting to talk more too so I haven't been working on the signing as much as we used to. So last night after she finished eating a snack (actually ate it!) I asked her if she wanted more and she tapped her fingers and said, "Mo." She's brilliant, I tell ya! I was so excited to see her using the sign and also that she actually wanted to eat.

So I like to take pictures because it helps me remember, but sometimes life is just so much better than what the photograph shows. I've really been noticing the leaves changing color this fall and it always makes me happy. The reds, oranges, and yellows are such a welcome sight because honestly, sometimes it's hard to tell when seasons change around here!

I pass by this field on the way to my mom's house and I've really been wanting to get out and take pictures because I know that soon the colorful leaves will be gone and empty branches will remain. Deran was feeling particularly generous after a recent trip to the park so he drove me just a bit further down the road and let me hop out for some photographs.

But the thing is, every time I put the camera up to take a picture I swear the field transformed into something else - something a little more drab, a little less beautiful. Sometimes it's really hard to capture in camera what you see in person. I was kind of frustrated.

Then I look at these pictures and I remember getting out of the car and Deran telling me to watch out for snakes. And bending down to fit a whole tree into the frame and hearing the sweet voice of my girl say, "Momma? Momma!" Her window rolled down and eyes on me. D telling me to hurry, then asking if I enjoyed myself as I got into the car.

So I look at these pictures again, with the colorful leaves and weeds and setting sun, and I just may be the most beautiful season I've ever been through.
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