After finally getting back to sleep she woke up crying again and then Deran just sat up in bed for no reason. Just sitting there. I told him to go lay on the couch to get some rest but then he just stood by the bed FOREVER. I got Avery situated and was trying to get things put away so I could go back to sleep and he's still standing there. So yeah, I did get a little grumpy. Then he got back in bed and was all, "Don't be so whiny/rude/grumpy/etc. blah blah blah to me blah blah blah." I basically just glowered and said something like I was going to empty the contents of the nasal aspirator in his eye or something else equally pleasant. I know, I know - I'm very sweet and mature at 2:00 in the morning!
He kissed me goodbye and all was well when he left for work. It wasn't until a little later that I started thinking about our exchange the night before and I started texting away. I'm also very sweet and mature when I text. And you can just ignore the spelling/grammatical errors because I make a lot of them.

I'm green, he's white. I love how I'm all, "Sorry you think..." because I'm totally not accepting responsibility for actually acting that way. And I like how I throw in adjectives like, "nicely," because I'm sure I was anything but nice. Sometimes I'm ridiculous.
*And for the record, I'm definitely not making fun of people with disabilities, just comparing Deran to a character in a movie.*
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