It was just a tad big while pregnant, but since losing the baby weight it's really become slippery. The first time I lost it was at the baby shower thrown by Deran's co-workers. It was a great shower and as we stood around looking at all of the gifts and wrapping things up, I noticed my ring was gone! Everyone went into full search mode and it was found in the trash bag along with the gift wrap. Thank goodness!
Last week I went for my 6 week postpartum check-up. I had to endure another glucose test and somewhere around the second hour, I noticed that once again I had no ring on! The search began. Office staff searched, I looked through multiple trash cans, my mom went in search of the diaper she'd thrown out earlier. Finally a nurse told me if it was found, they would call. I finished my appointment and sadly counted it as lost. I changed Avery's diaper once more before leaving and there it was, this ring.

It's now safely put away until it's been resized!
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