Amy Schilling Photography Blog

August 21, 2012

24 weeks and counting

So this pregnancy is moving along fairly quickly.  When I think 24 weeks, I think I have all the time in the world to get things done...but then I think it's only 13-16 weeks until he's here and HOLY COW! do I still have a lot I want to do.  It's all in how those weeks are worded. :)

I still feel really great for the most part, though I'm just starting to get some hip/leg pains and my back hurts if I do a lot of lifting/moving/etc.  So pretty much it hurts a little each day. :)  Avery continues to be a great distraction, she keeps us busy so I savor the moments of rest even more.  She talks all the time about her baby brother and is always talking about things she did (or thinks she did) as a baby and asks us if we "member that?"

Today I went to get the laundry out of the bathroom but instead laid down on the bed for a minute.  Our boy was really moving so I called to Avery to see if she wanted to come feel her baby brother.  "Of course!" she replied and then came walking into the room asking me what she needed to do.  I told her to put her hand on my belly to feel him. She looked at me and then turned around and walked out, calling over her shoulder all exasperated, "Come with me.  Come clean off the table so I can play with my prize!"  Naturally an unopened birthday box of play dough is much more interesting.  Oh my Avery Kate, life will never be the same and you don't even realize it.  

She still wants to share everything we've bought for little brother.  She claims she will teach him all kinds of things and she will share her toys, though sometimes I have my doubts on that last one. I'm super excited for Christmas this year for so many reasons, but mainly because we'll be a family of four!

Next week is the dreaded glucose test, yuck.  But I'm actually looking forward to the appointment because we get another ultrasound since he wasn't too cooperative last time.  Yea! :) 

1 comment:

  1. Cartridge
    That 24 weeks are great day in one lady life always memorable that days....


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