Amy Schilling Photography Blog

June 22, 2009

i heart paula deen

I'm sure I've mentioned it before, but we don't have cable. So while I have heard of Paula Deen, and of course glimpsed her cookbooks at various bookstores, I have never actually seen her cook, etc.

That changed today, and somewhere between commercials for the 'Texas Hammer' and Kelly Pickler's rendition of "Santa Baby," I fell in love. Thank you Bonnie Hunt for playing a re-run of a Christmas episode this morning.

Paula is funny, spirited, and her pleasant nature is contagious...even through television! She and Bonnie made monkey bread, and you can find the recipe here. One of my best friends, L, makes a delicious recipe for monkey bread. I consider it one of her specialties. Except for the one time in college when she accidentally used salt instead of sugar...we were all sad that night. I'm careful to mark my baking supplies now though! :)

Anyway, it made me hungry and long story short--I have gestational diabetes--so basically the gooey sweet goodness is off limits. I'm careful to eat healthy balanced meals, take my medicine, exercise, check my blood sugar. I'm a very good patient! And of course it's all worth it for a healthy baby...

But I'm not going to lie, sometimes I find myself thinking about what I want to eat after the baby is born. I mean like, they just wheeled her to the nursery, someone get me xxxx stat! It's not every day and I'm not often tempted because I consider fruit to be dessert enough and it really makes a difference when you're not thinking about yourself. Overall, it's been a great wake-up call. Deran and I have made real lifestyle changes that I think will be easy to continue. It's just how we eat and think and act so it won't be different once she's here.

But my post-baby meal of choice is pancakes, and I'm blaming Denny's...and television. Now though, I'm thinking that Paula Deen's monkey bread may be needed with a side of syrup administered intravenously. Just kidding, I have a feeling I'll end up with baked chicken and a side of green beans and another yummy vegetable. Here's to hoping new habits are hard to break!

If you're looking for something yum to cook tonight, you should really check out Paula Deen's site, lots of those recipes look delicious!

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