This afternoon I'm feeling very thankful for our baby's good health, my job, my family...my life. It's a good one and I'm so lucky it's mine. I'm also feeling thankful for such great clients. I repeat many of the same compliments, but I can't help it if I end up with the greatest people EVER!
Wednesday afternoon I met up with another senior and a couple of family members. J & E, it was so nice meeting you two. With such great co-workers it's no wonder D loves his job! And A, you're so lovely and that always makes my job easy. Thanks! :) Your college options are awesome and I know you'll be successful at either one. Try not to let those folks work you too hard this summer!

Sometimes I don't take the time to say it enough. I don't take the time to thank Him for all of the answered prayers and daily joys. I don't take the time to tell my family and friends how much I appreciate them and enjoy their presence in my life. I don't take the time to walk the dogs and enjoy the nice evenings we've been having, despite the heat, I'm thankful for this weather. I LOVE that summer is right around the corner and it stays light until after 8:00.
Sometimes, I feel so completely and blissfully happy with my life. Then I let worry creep in and I stress over the little things and turn them into big things that are really nothing at all. It's been one of those weeks. But I shouldn't let those little things get to me because it's okay to be happy. So Happy Friday everyone, make this weekend great!!
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